Glink is a link shortening service with monetization, allowing you to earn money through clicks on shortened links. Sign up, shorten your links, and share them to earn income with every qualified click.
To create an account, click the "Sign Up" button at the top of the page. Fill out the form with your username, email address, and password. Accept the terms of service, then click "Register". Your account will be activated upon registration.
From the homepage or any subpage, enter your long link into the shortening bar, then click "Shorten". Copy the generated shortened link for easy sharing.
Go to "Manage Links" > "All Links". Copy the shortened link of your choice and share it on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or your own website to maximize clicks and revenue.
Your earnings vary based on the location of clicks and advertising interactions. You can earn up to $22 for 1,000 visits depending on several criteria such as the geographic location of visitors.
An alias is an optional "nickname" for your shortened link. For example, by entering "Promo" as an alias, your shortened link becomes, making it more recognizable.
Links to illegal content or content that does not comply with our policies are prohibited. Please refer to our Terms of Service for more information on restrictions.
Visitors must reach the destination page for the visit to be counted. Multiple clicks from the same IP within a 24-hour period, clicks from proxies or VPNs, as well as ad-blocking traffic, are not counted.
Withdrawals are possible as soon as your balance reaches $4. Payments are made via PayPal for quick and secure receipt.
To maximize your earnings, share your shortened links on popular platforms, use social media, and explore relevant forums and blogs. Engaging content attracts more clicks and generates more revenue.
If you wish to delete your account, send an email to our support team from your registered email address, requesting the deletion of your account.
The full-page script automatically transforms all your links into Glink links. Copy the code provided in your user area and paste it into the body of your HTML page. You can customize the domaines you want to include or exclude.